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Why Praying For Your Prodigal matters

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks
The Cross Radio
February 19, 2022 12:00 pm

Why Praying For Your Prodigal matters

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks

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February 19, 2022 12:00 pm

James Banks and Robby Dilmore discuss praying for a lost family member whether it be a parent or cousin. The two discuss how to pray for the lost ones and how to approach them in a loving way.

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Would you men talk radio podcast. Our mission is to break down the walls of Bryson's nomination, your chosen truth radio broadcast will be starting in just a few seconds. Thank you. This is the Truth Network encouraging prayer, God offers an open invitation for his people to talk with him at any time about anything on encouraging prayer Dr. James Banks, author of the best-selling and many other books on prayer provides weekly biblical insight help you learn to mom and now James encouraging why so important chronicles of our lives and this is a timely topic James Adventist in the 10th anniversary edition of your book prayer for particles is coming out this month is matter fact I got it I got a notification from Amazon. Along those lines. I'm so excited about this Robbie would weave up the book with prayer helps for the reader. Additional ways to make it each day and it has an updated list of resources to help her will even have questions, and helps for group discussion for each week that you know instructions for how groups can pray together so you like to kiss great improvement on the book how exciting really, really, God is so blessed this book is really kind of just taken over all over the world. So let's talk about you really like this is so important reason why this is important is we want what only God can do in life and if you have someone in your life that you love who is a prodigal. You know how many times you try to make a difference for them with my own chronicles. I tried persuading them and disciplining them and doing whatever I could trying to add but but what I discovered in the end was that my own strength just wasn't enough whereafter is what only God can do.God can reach in and touch a prodigal's hearts when all of our efforts to fail. He loves to help us and give us comfort and wisdom along the way and the point is that God knows the way into your prodigal's life has has resources for going there that that we never even thought that's so true. But what is one of the main things you would say he's done for you personally. As as you pray for chronicles the question because of course we seen one prodigal come home. My son Jeffrey who at one point in his life was was caught up in drug abuse as a youth pastor today you now write both of you wrote a book about that. Hope lies ahead the SCS but many don't know that we have another prodigal were still praying for to come home to Jesus and and I were to look at the things God is done for me along the way. As I prayed I think the main thing is he's helped me learn how to love because there have been times when when I wasn't praying when it when I react in anger or just handle things humanly well aware talk parenting should be so huffy it didn't help or just make things worse and that's one reason why why prayer is so important because it helps us get our love from God and God changes our hearts and he can bring this whole new perspective. In pain also give us the patient's really to go the distance absolutely let let's talk about that because parents of chronicles can be heartbroken to get such different dreams for their child and they see the one they love hurting themselves and suffering because of far from God. You know life is tough, but it's tougher without God and what we really need in those moments is is the heart work that God does, we need to go into our room and close the door and talk it out and cry in question and do whatever we need to do so that we can be absolutely real with God about whatever's going on and what I found.

God does as I do, that is, he meets me. I begin to sense his presence in unexpected places and and what that feels like can be many things mean he may comfort me or quietly, directly or convict me about something, but it always feels like love and peace. Because that's who he is the God of peace in just a moment with him like that can give us. You have the patience that we need to go the distance. Exhibits like this oasis in the desert were suddenly you get the strength you need to go on, but it's better than that because no matter how long the journey may be, you can keep coming back to the well file menu know James is such a matter of the heart really in that and it helps to know that God's heart for those of us who have particles in our lives really is a heart of love is not can I whack us when we come to him or say something like, have you seen that other kid has all the honors and you know like bumper stickers.

You see, I have it easy on the media's made us with love every time and really see what you mean. If we get our love from him asking to make a difference in our prodigal's it really will and just get with him and keep going there again. That's why it's so important to ill give us encouragement and wisdom that's really only the beginning. What he can do just the beginning. Is that what we really want is to see him move in power in our prodigal's lives and in one of the things he does. As we come to him is he increases our faith and really just little faith the size of a mustard seed really makes such a difference.

Yeah, that's it. I mean even if it takes years and sometimes we may not see our prodigal come home in our lifetime, but when God gives us faith about something he gives us assurance as well like he who exists outside of time is able to reach into the future.

Touch us at the same time one hand on each moment, so that we know that we haven't seen it happen. Yet you have some of the amazing things he can do this pound, James really so before we wrap up, let's talk about the importance of praying with others for product was well well it it it may be just one or two people or a whole group. We need this. That's why we added this this whole new section to the book because we pray for a prodigal's together.

It's it's like an illustration used in the book carrying them on stretchers of faith to Jesus thinking about the man that was lowered through the roof to Jesus.

The Bible says Jesus saw their faith and healed short collective faith together makes a difference in and we encourage each other in our faith close as we believe together.

I think God has a lot of unexpected gifts for us along this way, send me picture help so much snow are not alone right and that others are praying for us. James, would you conclude our time today by praying for those who are praying for chronicles, absolutely. Let's pray father, thank you that we can come to you think it will come to you, together and individually look. Thank you that most of all, you love our prodigal's more than we do and father always long to see you move that pray for string and in those parents lives and largest for a new heart in our prodigal's lives, that they may know you love you and we affirm you are faithful you Jesus name. You hear more from Pastor James by visiting the website. James Banks got a large, or by visiting these church in Durham, North Carolina.

May God bless you and encourage you to pray. This is the Truth Network